Welcome to Nanango State High School.
Our school is an inclusive school with an average of 600 students who attend from Year 7 to Year 12. Our school focus is ‘Every student achieving to their full potential’, supported by our school motto:
To enable our students to achieve their full potential, we promote four key values; Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Effort.
To ensure we can provide our students with all the skills necessary for a successful future pathway, our explicit improvement agenda is focussed on:
- high attendance and engagement
- improvement in academic achievement
- successful exit results
Nanango State High School has a proud tradition of creating and developing programs to cater for the interests, abilities and needs of all students. Some of these programs include gifted and talented programs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Programs, Human Powered Vehicle teams, district sporting teams and leadership programs.
WE welcome all families and their students to Nanango State High School and look forward to working with you toward achieving the full potential of your student.
Acting Principal