Special Education Program at Nanango SHS
The Special Education Program at Nanango SHS works with
students who have a verified diagnosis in one or more of the following
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Intellectual Disability
- Speech and Language Impairment
- Physical Impairment
- Hearing Impairment
- Vision Impairment
Students will access the curriculum depending on the support
level required. Some students are placed
in mainstream classes, while others with more specific needs do core subjects
as part of the Special Education Program.
Students in Year 7 – 10 unable to access curriculum at the same year
level cohort, work at a different year level on an Individual Curriculum Plan
(ICP). Adjustments are made when
teaching students with disabilities in the areas of Curriculum, Communication,
Social Participation/Emotional Well Being, Health and Personal Care, Safety and
Learning Environment/Access.
The individual needs of each student are considered when
providing options to assist with their transition to work. Our school collaborates with Disability
Employment Agencies and Youth Services who have offered programs to our
students to assist with the transition of life after school. Local businesses assist with a work
experience program for senior students.

If you require further information regarding our SEP unit please contact our HOSES, Surene O’Reilly (sxswa1@eq.edu.au).